Ghost Light (ghost_light) wrote,
Ghost Light

Waiting For Hearts to Grow

It is, to use the understatement that ate Cleveland, a strange and sad holiday season. We just don't seem to be able to pull it together. I think the mfu_canteen holiday party this last weekend may be the big event for me.

We haven't decided if we're making some special dish or just ordering Chinese and we may have waited too long for either. Usually we have a huge party on the 23rd and call it Santa Watch, but lonelydumptruck isn't feeling Zoom parties and I'm leary about having folks over. We'll have a Christmas Eve Zoom with family, but that will probably be it.

lonelydumptruck hurt his back so there is no way we will be getting the tree and decorations out of the crawlspace. I have some small things for lonelydumptruck but he spotted his main gifts in my car last month. I think I am just going to sneak out of bed Christmas Eve, set up the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree on the dining room table and spread everything around it unwrapped. That was my parent's trick when I was little - everything from family was wrapped but Santa just left the gifts as is.

I'm happy we're together and our families are well I'm just feeling...disconnected this year.

Also? Cards are going to be late (;
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