Ghost Light (ghost_light) wrote,
Ghost Light

Lazy Sunday

Or it was by our standards.


We slept in a bit and puttered, hung out with the cats, then went down to do some work in the crawlspace.  We're only one wall away from being able to start the next phase of the project...hanging insulation!


After a good amount of time being Mole People, lonelydumptruck grilled up the last of the bul-go-gi we got at Costco (and ducklings and swans, if your Costco stocks it in their take-and-cook section, you MUST try it.) while I made a salad and we almost got caught up watching The Taste.  Almost.


One of the new brr-lesque hostesses is doing a presentation on burlesque for an anthropology conference, so she had troupe members fill out a survey to help gather data for her talk.  She did a test-run for the troupe at her house Sunday afternoon.  Turns out she lives in our neighborhood so, because it was such a perfect Springy day, we decided to walk to that.  It's always so much fun to hang out with the ladies.


We DVR'ed the Oscars, ordered pizza and watched as much of the broadcast as we could.  Even though I set the recording to end half an hour late, it still cut off right at the Best Screenplay awards. I was annoyed, but it was late enough I could just read the last categories on my phone and go to bed.

Tags: brr-lesque, cats, food, house, via ljapp
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